Saturday, October 30, 2010


October has started out as my month to give back and be a part of something bigger than myself. When Jake and I dated and first got married, we were involved with the church with all sorts of stuff. We were in ministry together and enjoyed being a part of it. Since we've been at Gateway, we have led a life group and been in the altar ministry together, but nothing like before. I have been serving faithfully in the altar ministry for 2 years now and I absolutely love it, but I am so ready to get so much more involved and we had an opportunity to be demons for a unity marriage seminar. I didn't realize that I would hairspray my hair so much, it took 30 minutes to untangle. We got to know Sean and Priscilla a little more and we have hopefully been a blessing to them; as we have become an open book for God to use.

Since I run to stay fit and healthy, I decided to start running for good causes and as a way to give back. I decided one week before the Project; Rescue Her run to raise money for the A21 Campaign in Greece. Greece is the largest sex trafficking country in the world. I am just sad about the thousands of girls forced to serve 40-100 men per day and the younger the girls are, the more they are in value. I raised $250 in one week and ran 5 miles in one hour the first weekend in October. I would love to go the Greece next year as Marissa Star will be going now in November to visit this organization that Christine Caine heads up. She is one of my heroes.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 21 will be 1 year I am a breast cancer survivor. I feel like I am not because I detected it early. I faced all the emotional and fear that any person would go through and it crept back this morning as I sat in a survivor's tent. I was overwhelmed with emotion.
Six years ago I became a runner. I have always worked out, but when I was under a lot of stress, I found myself running to decompress. In the last few months, I have really concentrated on running long distance. I don't sprint, but I do keep a good pace approximately 10 min./mi.

I decided to do this race and I am so glad I did. It was a goal that I achieved. When I got there, it was emotionally harder than I expected it to be. It was chaotic with no direction, at first. Jake parked the car while I got down to see where I was suppose to go and ended up going the opposite direction. Anyway, it made for a stressful start, so I started with a sprint which I don't do. I ran out of gas too quickly so I had to stop and pace myself.
I have to say the best part of the whole thing was that my husband woke up early and drove me there. His support means so much to me.

It was an awesome experience. Not sure I'll do it again because I am just not so passionate about this cause. I think there should be a cure, but I think a healthier cure would be best. It was different than the run I did for the Project: Rescue Her. This is something I am passionate about and would do again.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ok, it is already fall and the last time I blogged was in the summer about spring break. Whew, I have some catching up to do. How about I blog about my summer break. As summer approached, I was so excited that I would not have to work. June came and I still had a class to finish up the semester. It was great though. I would wake up at 6 a.m. and run, then come home and get ready for the day, and start school at 8:30 am. I loved this schedule, cuz I would spend the afternoons with my kiddos.
One of those weeks, I took the kids and my mom to Austin to meet up with my first cousins, John and Patti from Colorado. I was so excited that they wanted to see us and that we made it happen. We went kayaking with them and had dinner. It was so much fun.

What's awesome about meeting up with John and Patti is that John's dad, my Uncle Jerry, was my favorite uncle. He spoiled me. He was like my grandpa since my grandfather never was a grandfather to me. Uncle Jerry and my mom were real close so I benefited from that relationship. When my cousins would come visit or we visited them, we always enjoyed each other, so since I hadn't seen John in over 12 yrs. this was such a special treat.

I miss my Uncle Jerry so much. Just the thought of how different life would have been with my uncle alive, aches. He was one of the wisest and most godly men I knew. I loved him sooooooooooo much and I know he loved me. Anytime he visited or we went to visit him cuz he lived in Delta CO, he did not like to say good bye, so when he thought I was sleeping, he would sneak in the room and place some money under my pillow in the little coin cards. I cherish those good byes.
John, are a lot like your dad and that is something I know you are proud of. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tami's family visits us

Tami and I grew up somewhat like sisters and she is my niece. Her mom is my sister and we are very close. She is like a second mother to me. Well, I wondered why they would never come to visit, but I stopped wondering and just accepted that's what happens when we move away from family.
While the kids and I were on vacation for spring break, she called me and asked if the could come that night for a visit. We were ecstatic!!! They were finally coming. My kids adore her kids. Those are the cousins they are closest to. We made it home with time to clean it and pick them up from the airport. Tami and Chris didn't tell Ky, Saya and Nash where they were going, so they were completely surprised when we pulled up at the airport and hugged them. It was AWESOME!!! The look on their faces was priceless.
For the next three days we took them to downtown Dallas, Chipotle, Ft. Worth Science and History Museum, Johnny B's, Pink Berry frozen yogurt and lots of shopping. The kids loved having their cousins sleep over for all those days. I cannot tell you what this meant to me and my family. I still look at the pictures so I can believe it happened.

New Braunfels for spring break with the kids

Having spring break is one of the perks of being a school teacher. I always like to plan something special with my kiddos. This year, we went to New Braunfels and went to the Texas Wildlife Ranch and the Natural Ridge Caverns. It is a drive thru zoo and the kids were able to feed the animals from the car and pet them at the end. We watched an ostrich cut across the road and be completely stubborn. It amused us quite well. The Natural Ridge Caverns was beautiful and educational at the same time. It was something both the kids said they enjoyed. Jake could not join us since he had just started a new job two months prior. That in itself was a test of all that we've been through. I passed with flying colors.

Daddy/daughter dinner and dance

One of the best days of their lives. I know that Jeanice will forever remember and cherish the night her daddy took her on this extravagant date that Gateway hosted. I loved taking her shopping for a dress and asking that Jake would stop and get her a wrist corsage but he couldn't get one at the last minute, so he bought the flowers and made one. I have to say that surprised the living daylights out of me. What a great daddy!! Jeanice made him a card and they had the time of their lives. I went to a friend's bachelorette party that night and Josiah was with a friend. I was so happy for my princess. I would have given anything to have had a night like this with my daddy. I love my husband and I love that Gateway goes all out!
The most snow I've ever seen in Texas. This winter was so awesome! We used 3 inclement weather days and we also had a white Christmas! I was healing from surgery but it was beautiful and absolutely a precious gift from God. The pictures shown here was in February. Six years ago on Valentine's Day was the first real snow we had since our move from New Mexico. Texas may not have have mountains, but it has its own beauty which I completely appreciate.

Our first Cowboy's game in the new stadium

Here it is - the new Texas Stadium in Arlington, just 15 min. from our house. Jake received free tickets to this game and he invited me. What a sweet treat that was. I love going to games with him. It is so much fun!! I love that he included me. The fans were rowled up considering it was a play off game. We witnessed a fight between a Cowboy's and Eagle's fan. The Cowboy's fan started it and the Eagle's fan was escorted out. It was crazy and ridiculous.

Ok, I am going to share something that I am sure many don't talk much about, but this is a dream I have had for most of my life. When I was in elementary school and by 6th grade, some girls were already developing and wearing training bras and I thought that was early but I also thought they were lucky. As a little girl, I couldn't wait till my breast started to come, but I started Jr. high and I was the only girl, or so I felt like, that still didn't need a training bra. Fast forward some, and by the time I graduate from high school, I am thinking that possibly, I still had time to grow but I that was it - size A. I came to a place where I was ok with my body. I got married and my husband loved me for who I was and it didn't matter to him, but I started to feel self conscious. Well, after Josiah was born and I nursed him, that was really cool. It was after Jeanice was born that I couldn't seem to get rid of the baby fat and I tried to nurse her but couldn't, so flat they went again.
After I moved to Dallas and my world came crashing down six years ago, and my self image and confidence were messed with is when I really felt like I just wasn't pretty enough, sexy enough, or good enough physically for my husband. It seemed like everywhere I went, there were prettier women and in the summer - all I saw were thin, flat tummied women with big breasts. I felt 16 again and in competition for attention again, but this time, I was in my 30's and have bore 2 children with loose skin on my stomach and a small chest.
I went to New Mexico for a family visit for Christmas and talked with family about getting a breast augmentation and I decided that would be a goal I would strive for. Well, once I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought that now I probably wouldn't have any - that is on a down moment. But when I had made a choice to live life to its fullest and that I would beat this disease and when I did, I would reward myself with an augmentation and that is exactly what I did. Once I received my clean bill of health, I made an appointment with my plastic surgeon I had chosen months before. It was really strange talking about my breast to another male, even though he was a doctor. Anyway, that was the beginning of my transformation. The date was set for December and during Christmas vacation. Jake took me to the hospital and I was to be in surgery by noon, but it wasn't actually done till 6:30 p.m. I don't remember leaving the pre-op room and when I woke up and tried moving, I was in pain. Once they were able to maintain the pain, they released me at 10 p.m. with only a prescription for pain killers and muscle relaxers. I went home and with the help of my husband got into bed and had never felt such excruciating pain in all my life. I woke up in even more pain in the middle of the night and crying with pain but could barely talk. Luckily I remembered that I had pain killers from my surgery I had prior. It took the full two weeks I was on vacation to feel good.
What was funny, was hearing my husband tell me that after the surgery, my doctor called him to tell him that i was in the recovery room and did well and they looked beautiful. lol hahaha. Jake didn't like that too much.
I went to a size between a full B and C. Nothing boisterous or hoochie looking. Something subtle fully clothed. It took six weeks to completely recover and in that time, I began to gain weight which wasn't good cuz the day I went into surgery I was my goal weight.
The coolest time going shopping for a bra was a couple months after surgery. First time to get sized and not embarrassed to be in Victoria Secret - as if anyone in there cared what size I was, haha.
I was now in need of getting back into shape for the summer and bathing suit season.

Why would anyone post a blog about this? Because it's reality and so many people are having plastic surgery, but mostly because as a Christian, I wanted to share how I struggled with my image and with this decision. It wasn't until the day before surgery when I spoke with my sister and I told her that I couldn't even pray about this because I felt like I was doing something that showed that I wasn't grateful with the way God created me and that I was being selfish for Christmas. She assured me as I prayed that God knows the desires of my heart and this is one of them. He knows that I am not depriving my family from their needs and just like we shop for cars, not something we need, I am getting something that I desire. It all goes back to seeking first the kingdom of God and knowing that all these things shall be added unto me. Also, God has given me life and life more abundantly. I know now that as long as I seek the first thing, then all the second things will come. This has never interfered with my walk with my Lord and Savior and if anything, I feel more intimate than I ever had and continue to grow in love with Him. I love Him!!

2010 - A much better year

It's been seven months and it's time to catch up on blogging. The pictures shown here are of Jake and I at a friend's house for a New Year's Eve party! I was excited for this year, because I knew that it was going to be a better year for me, and I was going to enjoy every minute of it. We had a wonderful time with Sarina and Alan and meeting their friends and family. I thought by now that I cannot live with high expectations, because they let me down all the time and this night was no exception. Although, it was a test that I needed to pass, but unfortunately I failed. So by the next day, I decided that it was time to get back on track and focus on having a wonderful New Year regardless of anything the enemy threw my way. He tried to side track me and I fell for it but didn't stay there, nor was it the last time he tried.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thanksgiving vacation

I guess, I could post more to this blog. I have been playing catch up since my last post. Thanksgiving was so much fun. We made a trip to Albuquerque, where most of my family live. This year, I stayed at my in-laws, which turned out to be nice. The night we got there, Jake and I went on a double date with his friend, Paul Sandoval and his girlfriend. We watched "A Christmas Carol," with Jim Carrey. DID NOT LIKE IT!!!!!! Jake and I wanted to walk out, especially cuz we spent $27 at the cinema in downtown Albq. Ridculous. We are use to spending only $6 for an evening show and $4 for a matinee at tinseltown in Grapevine. Then we went to play pool, which I had not done in years and never with my husband which was fun.

The next day was Thanksgiving and we had lunch at my in-laws, then we made it to my sister, Marilee's for the afternoon and evening. I finally got to meet my newest grand niece, Marley. She is adorable. We were able to spend the day with my step-son, Christopher, which was so nice. The next day was a day at Kohl's. We were suppose to go shopping, but the line at Khol's was too long, that we just went there. Josiah had spent the night at my niece, Tami's house with her kids, Ky, Saya, and Nash., so we wen to pick him up and had lunch with my mom and sister, Ima at Dion's. Don't really like it there, but everyone else does, so I can handle a salad.

That evening we went out with my high school buddy, Tracy and her husband, Jeremy and met up with Jake's high school buddies at the Q-Bar in downtown Albq. Tracy and I use to laugh all the time in high school and here we were laughing again. It was so much fun.
The next day was a treat to meet up with my family, including my niece, Christina and her family at The Flying Star, where they sell organic food. It was delicious. Then it was off to my niece's, Amanda, in Rio Rancho. It was so nice. I love visiting and enjoying my family. It was back home the next day as I finished my weekly homework on the drive home as Jake drove the entire way. That was the first time he drove the entire way himself with no help since he moved to Dallas, so I didn't feel bad at all that he did. I was proud of him. I have done that drive countless times by myself with the kids.