Saturday, October 30, 2010


October has started out as my month to give back and be a part of something bigger than myself. When Jake and I dated and first got married, we were involved with the church with all sorts of stuff. We were in ministry together and enjoyed being a part of it. Since we've been at Gateway, we have led a life group and been in the altar ministry together, but nothing like before. I have been serving faithfully in the altar ministry for 2 years now and I absolutely love it, but I am so ready to get so much more involved and we had an opportunity to be demons for a unity marriage seminar. I didn't realize that I would hairspray my hair so much, it took 30 minutes to untangle. We got to know Sean and Priscilla a little more and we have hopefully been a blessing to them; as we have become an open book for God to use.

Since I run to stay fit and healthy, I decided to start running for good causes and as a way to give back. I decided one week before the Project; Rescue Her run to raise money for the A21 Campaign in Greece. Greece is the largest sex trafficking country in the world. I am just sad about the thousands of girls forced to serve 40-100 men per day and the younger the girls are, the more they are in value. I raised $250 in one week and ran 5 miles in one hour the first weekend in October. I would love to go the Greece next year as Marissa Star will be going now in November to visit this organization that Christine Caine heads up. She is one of my heroes.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 21 will be 1 year I am a breast cancer survivor. I feel like I am not because I detected it early. I faced all the emotional and fear that any person would go through and it crept back this morning as I sat in a survivor's tent. I was overwhelmed with emotion.
Six years ago I became a runner. I have always worked out, but when I was under a lot of stress, I found myself running to decompress. In the last few months, I have really concentrated on running long distance. I don't sprint, but I do keep a good pace approximately 10 min./mi.

I decided to do this race and I am so glad I did. It was a goal that I achieved. When I got there, it was emotionally harder than I expected it to be. It was chaotic with no direction, at first. Jake parked the car while I got down to see where I was suppose to go and ended up going the opposite direction. Anyway, it made for a stressful start, so I started with a sprint which I don't do. I ran out of gas too quickly so I had to stop and pace myself.
I have to say the best part of the whole thing was that my husband woke up early and drove me there. His support means so much to me.

It was an awesome experience. Not sure I'll do it again because I am just not so passionate about this cause. I think there should be a cure, but I think a healthier cure would be best. It was different than the run I did for the Project: Rescue Her. This is something I am passionate about and would do again.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ok, it is already fall and the last time I blogged was in the summer about spring break. Whew, I have some catching up to do. How about I blog about my summer break. As summer approached, I was so excited that I would not have to work. June came and I still had a class to finish up the semester. It was great though. I would wake up at 6 a.m. and run, then come home and get ready for the day, and start school at 8:30 am. I loved this schedule, cuz I would spend the afternoons with my kiddos.
One of those weeks, I took the kids and my mom to Austin to meet up with my first cousins, John and Patti from Colorado. I was so excited that they wanted to see us and that we made it happen. We went kayaking with them and had dinner. It was so much fun.

What's awesome about meeting up with John and Patti is that John's dad, my Uncle Jerry, was my favorite uncle. He spoiled me. He was like my grandpa since my grandfather never was a grandfather to me. Uncle Jerry and my mom were real close so I benefited from that relationship. When my cousins would come visit or we visited them, we always enjoyed each other, so since I hadn't seen John in over 12 yrs. this was such a special treat.

I miss my Uncle Jerry so much. Just the thought of how different life would have been with my uncle alive, aches. He was one of the wisest and most godly men I knew. I loved him sooooooooooo much and I know he loved me. Anytime he visited or we went to visit him cuz he lived in Delta CO, he did not like to say good bye, so when he thought I was sleeping, he would sneak in the room and place some money under my pillow in the little coin cards. I cherish those good byes.
John, are a lot like your dad and that is something I know you are proud of. :)