Sunday, November 22, 2009

My 36th birthday is one to celebrate

My birthday is one this year that I happy to celebrate. I had the day off as I usually do every year. I had to get my driver's license renewed and did it because I didn't like the picture I had before. Then it was off on the new bike that I will share soon. I had lunch with Jillian, Sarah, and Lindi at Cheesecake Factory. I had invited Amy, Catherine, and Natasha and they couldn't make it. I missed them very much and was disappointed cuz I was so excited to see them, but I understand. Had a nice time with Jillian and Sarah.
Then had my hair done. What a journey that has been. I was suppose to get it finished this weekend and Krystalynn never called me. I am bummed cuz I really wanted it done before I went home for Thanksgiving. It looks really cool, though.
Then that evening, Jake and the kids took me to dinner at Kobeya. It was really fun.
My mother-in-law sent me a gift card to eat and I had dinner with my family at Macaroni Grill, then had dessert, my favorite - Tiramisu, mmmmmmmmmmm.

Last night, I met Sarina, Alan, Brittanie, and Diana at Johnny B's. They blessed me with a couple of gifts, which I didn't care to have cuz just their presence was enough. Then we headed out to the Glass Cactus, a club at the Gaylord Texan Resort, which is down the street from our house. Peter met us there. Le Freak is such a fun band to watch. They play 70's and 80's music. Of course, they asked for any birthdays to join them on stage. I'm the first one on the stage and thought, surely, I'm not the only one. I tried to get away with saying I was 21, but they didn't believe me. It was such a blast. I LOVE MY FRIENDS who really go out of their way to show me they love me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My surprise b-day party at school.

I walked into my classroom this morning and was surprised by the decorations from corner to corner. My students had been planning a surprise for me for weeks. They had their parents buy decorations and party ware. I was greeted with hugs, cards, gifts, brownies, cookies, donuts, capri suns, and lots of love. I am overwhelmed with joy and love by this class. They are the best. I cannot express how filled with joy I am right now.
After I went to gymnastics with Jeanice, I went to get my eye brows done and the kids went with their dad to get me a gift. When I got home, I turned the lights on and there on table were roses and I heard a surprise from the living room and there was a brand new beautiful bike with a balloon and a happy birthday sign attached. I took it out in the 46 degree weather and shouted like a kid, I am so happy.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Holy Bible

My mom is such an amazingly strong woman of faith and if it were not for her, I wouldn't have the faith I have. She instilled the Word of God in my life. She would ask me everyday if I read the Bible. I find myself doing the same with my kids. I am okay with being a nag about that, cuz I know it's the one thing that will get them through life. Pastor Robert has been a series on the Holy Bible and has challenged me to read get more in the Word. I have always read the Word, but I am so hungry and thirsty for more of it. I go to Bible college and teach at a Christian private school, so the Word is all around me and I love it. But when I am alone with the Lord, He just does something in me that astounds me.

One thing I finally understood and grasped this most difficult year of my life, where I found the most joy in my life is that it is during the difficult times that I can exalt the name of the Lord that begins to change the circumstances around me for the good of those who love Him. When I studied Leah in the Bible and saw that she went through so much and didn't deserve or ask for any of it, I saw that we had a lot in common. Her father set her up to marry a man she didn't love and loved her sister not her. She lived that way for the rest of her life. She was miserable for a long time, but she finally had a son, whom she named Judah - "Let Jehovah be praised." When she began to praise Jehovah in the midst of her lonely, living in the shadow of her younger sister, life, she learned that the most rewarding life is the life of praising and exalting God.

When Daniel was in the belly of a fish, he learned to stop crying for God to get him out of situations and began praising Him, then his deliverance came. As Daniel found himself in dangerous situations, he called on the Name of the Lord in praise and the Lord changed his circumstances around. As Jeremiah lived in frustration and confusion and weeping for the lost people of that time, he extolled the glory of God.

I finally comprehend that I am to put God in His rightful place in my life and bring my will into His conformity. When I stopped asking God to change my life and began to praise Him in the storm of my life and put Him first in every area, and find the joy all around me is when I began to live in real joy and happiness.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A second chance

Today was my follow up appointment from my surgery. I was so nervous, anxious and curious all at the same time. As I drove to Ft. Worth, my mind kept racing of what the outcome would be and what would I do for the worst case and the best case scenerio.
As I sat in the room with no shirt on and a hospital gown, I nervously waited for the dr. When she told me that they got the cancer out, I just cried and hugged her. I wanted to scream. When I left that office and got in my car, that is what I did. I just wanted someone there to squeeze and shout with me.
I called my sister and she was so excited. I talked to my husband and didn't quite get the response I expected, but I didn't care, I am cancer free and that's what mattered. I cried and shouted rejoiced and praised the Lord all the way back to work. When I got there, I gave my boss a hug but couldn't say much as we were in my classroom. Then, every chance I thought of it, I cried tears of joy. I am thrilled.
My life is never the same. I eat differently, I work out hard, I research, I am more positive and live life as if each day were my last. I share God what he's done for me wherever I can. I have a second chance to live and share the gospel and spread God's amazing love.
I am surprised by the people in my life from all of this. I never expected my husband to take care of me and not just take care of me, but really be an amazing man of God - praying for me, cheering me on, supporting me, helping around the house, etc. I am surprised at the new people in my life and how much of a blessing they are to me. So many times, I felt alone and even today, I got what I didn't expect - some good and some not so good but over all, I am thrilled.

I finally get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may be cancer free which I'm ecstatic about, but it doesn't end here. My life has forever changed this past year. I went from going through an ugly divorce to celebrating 11 years of marriage. I went from having two jobs this semester because I thought I needed it to only having one and being blessed beyond measure. I went from being diagnosed with breast cancer to having a clean bill of health. I went from unforgiveness to forgiveness. I went from frustration to peace. I went from total confusion to resting in my loving Father's arms. I went from co-dependency to complete dependence on God. I went from complete bondage to complete freedom - freedom to laugh, dance, shout, love and embrace life just as it is! MUAH!!!!

DANCE DANCE DANCE..................

I absolutely love to dance. Ever since I was a little kid, I just loved to dance. Growing up, I was taught that dancing was sinful. It didn't matter how much I drilled on how sinful it was, I loved to dance. Unfortunately, I had to sneak to the school dances. I even sneaked to prom. How sad is that. It wasn't til I was a junior in high school that I just said that I was going to prom. I use to go to under 21 dance clubs so I could dance. I loved cheerleading and of course, we danced there as well. I was always attracted to guys that danced. On of the things I am most attracted to about Jake is that he can dance. When I first met him, I was so excited that amongst other things, he was a Christian who would dance. One of my biggest regrets is that I was told that I couldn't have a dance at my wedding and my husband listened. That was something I never got over. How can I not have celebrate one of the happiest days of my life and not dance with my life partner. Seriously!!! I would have another wedding just so I could dance. I am not lying either. I was never the partier. I only like to dance. It wasn't till I was around 30 and I lived here in Dallas and I could see classy places to go and dance that I have enjoyed going to places where there is no smoking and drunks all over. I can go somewhere, order water the whole night and just dance. For our 11 yr. anniversary, Jake and I celebrated with a few friends; went to uptown Dallas and danced the entire night away. I didn't even take a bathroom break. It was sooooooooooooo fun!!!! I was then confronted by my mother at almost 36 yrs of age and asked if I'm serving the Lord and going to the same church. I had to tell my mom that I finally free to worship, live, and be happy under the grace of God and DANCE freely. Granted, I am not dancing in church or to worship music, but I was and am more intimate with my Heavenly Father than I ever have in my life and I don't have to hide who I am. I can have a drink, dance, laugh, and celebrate LIFE!!!!!
Now I am ready to do it again. I was just given a clean bill of health and I am going to CELEBRATE! There are people who drink to get drunk or to escape. There are people who eat for comfort. There are people who dance to be nasty. I drink, eat, and dance to add to my life of freedom. I never have gotten drunk, nor danced to be perverted nor done things that God would not allow me to do. Of course, I have fallen short of His glory, but it's usually cuz I refuse to forgive, or I blow up at my kids or husband, or I'm impatient about something, etc.; not because of dancing.
I was so excited to audition for a major Christmas production of the Christmas Carol and make the dance team. This team has been such a blessing. As soon as I told them that I needed prayer, they anointed me with oil and prayed over me, made me a prayer blanket, and after I had surgery, they brought my and family and me meals. This production is so awesome! I don't want it to end. I look forward to rehearsal on Thursdays.
I not only want to learn to latin dance but jazz, pole (yes, pole dancing is a great work out), and street dance. Any dancing is just fun!!!!