Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Fest at Metroplex Chapel

The church on the campus where I teach at has a Fall Fest every year and Jeanice had been counting down the days and hours till it came. She woke up at 7:30 this morning and was showered and ready by 8 am. She loooooooooooves candy. She was going to dress as a cow girl again and when I remember we had a poodle skirt she decided to dress 50's style in honor of her Nauni's (my sister) 50th b-day. She wasn't going to till she saw the poodles on the skirt. Then they had free face painting and she got an angel face. One of her friends, Mallory bought her that pillow, just to be nice. Mallory is in my class this year and has such a giving spirit. Everything to eat was $.50 and I hadn't eaten a hotdog in months. It was not very good. I guess was picturing how unhealthy it was for me that i just didn't enjoy it. Then I tasted a soda and it was NASTY! I haven't has a soda in a really long time and, I guess I don't like them anymore. YAY!!! Jeanice had so much fun she forgot to eat and we forgot to have her eat. So, when we're on our way home, she asked what we ate and we realized she didn't. She went round and round the trunk or treat line. In TX, we back our cars in a row, with tons of candy and the kids come to our trunks and we give them hand fulls of candy and of course Jeanice is the last one going around after she had gone several times already. Now we have more candy than what we went with. UNBELIEVABLE! Josiah took about 30 min to come up with his costume as a ninja and took it all off within 5 min of being at the festival cuz none of his friends were there till a little later. I didn't even get a picture. I, of course, went as a cowgirl again and forgot to take a picture. Jake went as batman and took his off before I got a picture as well, so here is what I got with my camera phone. I got to visit with friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. It was great!!!!!
I am not a Holloween fan and my kids have never trick or treated and I don't want to take them. We decided that we wouldn't teach them something we don't believe in nor what was originated as a day to glorify devilish acts. It may be fun and I can see how it could be, but I believe what is practiced out of ignorance is deception. We will teach them the truth of the origin of the day and if they choose later to do as they wish, it will be between them and God as with everything we train them up in.
I was so tired by the end of the festival, I went home and crashed for two hours, then off to church and what an AWESOME message!!! Challenged us to read the Bible daily. I loved it!!!

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