Sunday, October 25, 2009

Celebrate my life

This is new to me and have wanted to blog for some time, but since I am a working mom and student; my life is consumed with business, but since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I had several thoughts I'd like to share and journal. I want to leave a legacy for my kids and all others to learn what I have learned or from my experiences.
I will begin with the present and move to the past and make my way around again. I was introduced to facebook last year and have reconnected with so many people; from churches I've attended to high school and work. There have been three very special friends in my past that I have reconnected with who have battled and are battling breast and were all in their 30's. So, I thought that I should be more aware and self examine myself. In March of this year, I felt some soreness in my right breast and felt around and felt a lump. I called my sister, Marilee and asked her if we had breast cancer in the family. She said no but there's always a first. I saw my Dr. in April, my mammogram in June. After my mammogram, I was putting my clothes back on and they said that I needed an ultrasound because they saw a mass. When completed, the Dr. mentioned I could get one of two kinds of biopsy's or we could just watch it over the next six months. I decided to get the minor biopsy which he recommended was the best. In July, I had the biopsy. I was nervous but expected to walk out of there with good news. I HATE needles but they numbed my breast, put an electric like screwdriver in my breast and snapped a few times as they removed tissue from the mass. I observed on the screen. When all was said and done that day, I walked away feeling confident that the worst was over with. The following week, I was told that the mass was malignant and a week later I am taking an oral chemo treatment, which was mild. On the first day, I felt ok, the next day, a little naseated, the third day a little more and finally the fourth day, I was sicker than a dog. I felt like I was going to die and I remembered my dad being so sick from all his chemo treatments and realized this is no way to live. I contacted my friend from New Mexico and she had chemo, radiation, lost her breast, her hair, went into remission and it still returned, so she decided to go wholisitic and inform others. She gave me lots info on changing my life. The following week, my husband whom I had been separated from the entire year took me to New Mexico to see her kinesiologist. That was a different kind of experience, but well worth it. He gave me so much information regarding disease in America, which I will share in another post. I left with 8 supplements and took for 6 weeks.
A week before I was scheduled to have surgery to take the tumor out I felt another lump. On October 19, I went in for my pre-admission for my surgery and the Dr. said she would see everything during surgery. My surgery was Friday, October 23. I went in at 5:30 am. Everyone at the hospital was so nice and very informative. I was so very nervous. They took me into the pre-op room where they put my iv in and oxygen wraps on my legs and blood pressure band. They were all amazed at how healthy I have lived. They said that they have never seen anyone there as healthy as I am and I should pull through just fine. That built my confidence. The board of directors of the school I teach at is on the board of the hospital I had my surgery and said I have the best surgeon and oncologist in the state of Texas. I was pleased with that.
Anesthesia is a funny thing. I remember the nurses pushing me down the hall, asking me a question and telling me that they will get my husband as soon as I am conscious, so I replied with, "That will be fine." I saw the double doors open and I could not tell you what was on the other side cuz I was out! When I woke up 1 1/2 hours later, I was in recovery with a male nurse. He got me ready to go to the bathroom. I was ready to go. I got ready and another nurse wheeled me to the car.
I was out for most of that day. Couldn't sleep that night nor the next day. I walked to the mailbox and realized that I couldn't walk at my normal speed. I slept better the next night and woke up and went to church. I loved church, but I was wore out.
I was so blessed by fb encouragement, plants, flowers, cards, dinner, and prayers. I am blessed.

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