Monday, November 2, 2009

A second chance

Today was my follow up appointment from my surgery. I was so nervous, anxious and curious all at the same time. As I drove to Ft. Worth, my mind kept racing of what the outcome would be and what would I do for the worst case and the best case scenerio.
As I sat in the room with no shirt on and a hospital gown, I nervously waited for the dr. When she told me that they got the cancer out, I just cried and hugged her. I wanted to scream. When I left that office and got in my car, that is what I did. I just wanted someone there to squeeze and shout with me.
I called my sister and she was so excited. I talked to my husband and didn't quite get the response I expected, but I didn't care, I am cancer free and that's what mattered. I cried and shouted rejoiced and praised the Lord all the way back to work. When I got there, I gave my boss a hug but couldn't say much as we were in my classroom. Then, every chance I thought of it, I cried tears of joy. I am thrilled.
My life is never the same. I eat differently, I work out hard, I research, I am more positive and live life as if each day were my last. I share God what he's done for me wherever I can. I have a second chance to live and share the gospel and spread God's amazing love.
I am surprised by the people in my life from all of this. I never expected my husband to take care of me and not just take care of me, but really be an amazing man of God - praying for me, cheering me on, supporting me, helping around the house, etc. I am surprised at the new people in my life and how much of a blessing they are to me. So many times, I felt alone and even today, I got what I didn't expect - some good and some not so good but over all, I am thrilled.


  1. I am so happy to hear the good news you have received, and how great things have turned out for you!

  2. Thanks sweetie. God is amazing and so very good.
